How To Build A Community After A Breakup

Are you feeling the post-break-up blues? These are the feelings associated with the aftermath of a breakup from a partner. Some of these feelings can include loneliness, sadness, or regret.  

Navigating the aftermath of a breakup can be difficult. From once sharing a life with someone to now navigating how to live without them. This can put a strain on your mental and emotional health. 

To combat the heavy emotions of loneliness, in addition to self-care, reconciling with your community can aid in your healing process. 

Having other people around that help uplift you is beneficial. This offers a means of support for you as you navigate this new season of your life.  

As you begin to foster your friendships outside of your romantic relationship, consider trying these things. 

Receive Their Love & Support 

Sometimes when you experience a break-up, it can be hard to want to love again. There can be a myriad of reasons for you not wanting to begin a new relationship with someone, even a friend. You can be feeling angry and hurt that the last intimate relationship you had failed. 

Feelings of shame and guilt can also try to infiltrate your heart for your role in it not working. Whatever the emotion is behind having a wall around your heart, first know that your feelings are valid.   

But remember, community is one of the best ways to continue moving forward on your healing journey. Slowly, but surely, open up to your friends. Be mindful of their capacity, and allow them to give you the love and support you may need. 

Accept Accountability  

As you begin to prioritize community with friends, consider history. Was there tension between you and your friends because of your relationship? These are issues that could potentially be addressed before moving forward. 

Take a moment to sit and recall if you had ever unconsciously put your friends in the middle of your relationship. This can look like not listening to a friend's constructive advice and running back to the same situation or expecting them to constantly fix problems in your relationship. 

If you notice any previous tension, don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, acknowledge what happened, take accountability, and offer sincere apologies. Apologizing for your behavior shows your friends that although you may have been closed off to their friendship in the past, you are opening your heart back up again. 

This doesn’t mean your friends must automatically accept your apology. That shouldn’t be the expectation. Instead, offering a sincere apology shows you are ready to heal.  

Locate Spaces For Meeting New People: 

If you want to meet new friends, you must actively participate in your search. Whether you live in a big city or rural town, there are people all over looking to find community. 

Start by attending niche events. If you’re into running I recommend joining a local running club. Or, if you like to read books, join a remote or in-person book club. These events will not only help you come out of isolation and spark up a conversation with someone new, but they will give you something to look forward to. 

Join Her Soul Supply on our 2025 Restore Her retreat to Oaxaca, Mexico.   

If you’re looking to build your community of sisters, look no further!  

Join me and an intimate group of other women from May 1- 8, 2025 on our sisterhood retreat to Oaxaca, Mexico as we experience restoration, education, community, and tons of fun while overcoming life’s difficulties TOGETHER.  

Click here for more information. 


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